
Lenten thoughts

It seems that our neighbors have taken the news that the pabasa could be rendered in rap seriously. While I’m happy that the tune by which they’re reading the pasyon sounds upbeat, I’m not happy that they’ve woken me up at 3 in the morning. Oh well, at least I can update the blog.

The “Pabasa” is the singing or reading of the “pasyon” (Wikipedia defines it as a narrative of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ woven into an epic poetry standard elements colorful dramatic theme with stanzas of five lines with each line having eight syllables) by the devotees. The pasyon, which is based from the bible, can be “sung” in tune with old or new music tunes. Sometimes, the musical instruments are used, so that boredom could be lessened. It is usually started during Wednesday, and finishes on Good Friday.